

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pass it Down

“Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’” (John 21:17 NIV) 

Imagine you are a kid on a school field trip. A sack lunch is being provided to all the students. The teacher passes out sacks to the nearest student and asks him to pass it down the line. This ensures that no one is left hungry.

When God grants us talents, insights, opportunities, health, financial security, or peace--we are meant to pass it on. If you are in a phase of life where you can devote more time and energy to prayer, recognize this as a gift. Perhaps you have resources to study scripture or a wonderful, spiritual support system. Maybe you are blessed with a quiet environment and the ability to sit still. Or you might be endowed with the skill to communicate effectively. We can hoard what we are given and amuse ourselves, or we can pass it down the line.  

Peter, one of the closest disciples of Christ, was in front of the line. Jesus instructs Peter to feed the sheep. Peter and the other disciples shared the Good News with anyone who was open to the message.  Centuries later, we are still commissioned to do the same--to pass the teachings of Christ down the line.

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