

Friday, July 1, 2022

Thanking God

“Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 CEV)

The above verse has always perplexed me. How can God ask anyone to be grateful and joyful in the midst of affliction? 

I used to scrounge around and find some bits and pieces for which to be grateful. This feels like looking for loose coins behind couch cushions when you are low on reserves. It never feels like enough to make a difference. 

As I meditated on this verse, I realized that I may have been interpreting it incorrectly all these years. This is not about positive thinking or optimism. This is not about finding joy in our circumstances no matter what. NO, this is about thanking God because of Jesus Christ. No matter what the situation, we can be grateful for the sacrificial love of Jesus, for His constant presence, and His faithfulness.