

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Fountain of light

“For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.” (Psalm 36:9 NLT)
Life and light gush forth in abundance from God. In order to make the most of this overflowing benevolence, all we have to do is be near the Source. Yet, even a close relationship with Christ does not guarantee a trouble-free existence.
"We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen." (Thomas Merton)
The light of Christ enables us to notice the inherent weakness of the human condition. It doesn’t always prevent us from stumbling. Yet, without it we don’t even realize when we are wallowing in pits of slime and sin.
Enlightenment allows us to see our inadequacies and shape them into vessels which can receive grace. Our emptiness, our loneliness, our self-centeredness--all become receptacles. However, even pots can’t be filled if they are turned upside down. Faith enables us to turn right side up.   Hope permits us to face God. Trust opens us up to His love. As we remain centered in Christ, we become suffused in His overflowing light.
Lord, You are the source of life and light. Fill us up so we are overflowing with Your grace.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

God is Consistent

“I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss.” (Lamentations 3:20 NLT)

When disappointment pokes holes in our hope, when loss pierces our hearts, when sorrow shreds us to pieces--it is difficult to trust God. It is natural to question why a loving God would allow such misery. Our ideas about God do not line up with the injustice and affliction we experience. Cynicism takes over. Resentment overshadows trust. Anguish threatens to extinguish the flames of faith.
Even though we can’t forget the awful times of grief, we can still remember God’s constancy.
“Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” (Lamentations 3:23 NLT)
Although our beliefs are inconsistent, God is consistent. He is unfailingly compassionate. He is unwavering in mercy. Even when we overlook His enduring tenderness, His grace remains constant. Therefore, let us not project our fluctuating faith onto our unchanging God. Instead, let us acknowledge His persistent love, His undeviating dependability, and His  steadfast faithfulness.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!   (Hymn by Thomas Chisholm)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Authenticity vs. Sincerity

“Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.” (Proverbs 20:5 MSG)
The words ‘authentic’ and ‘sincere’ are often used interchangeably to describe people who are genuine and straightforward. However, I have met many people who are sincere but not authentic. Individuals who have a superficial understanding of themselves and others may operate out of earnest, yet shallow, beliefs. Authenticity calls for a deeper awareness. It requires one to be inquisitive, observant, and contemplative.
A sincere person believes that his motives are pure, his reactions are honest, and his character is aboveboard. He rarely looks behind the curtains of his own mind. An authentic person, on the other hand, searches deep within, constantly sifting through his desires, intentions, and actions. He listens to His inner voice. He examines everything carefully. He is willing to question long-held beliefs. He is not content with reacting from surface emotions. He digs and digs until he finds truth.
Lord, help us to draw from the Spirit of Truth deep within us. May we always seek what is right and good. Show us how to live authentically.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Audacious Prayer Tactics

“When they weren't able to get in because of the crowd, they removed part of the roof and lowered the paraplegic on his stretcher.” (Mark 2:4 MSG)
Who are we carrying to Jesus right now in prayer? Are we breaking through? If not, how can we be more bold, unconventional, invasive? We may need more audacious prayer tactics. I don’t mean we are to be aggressive towards God, but we need to be more resourceful in breaking down barriers that separate us from Him.
Distractions, desires, fears, and other numerous obstacles stand between us and Christ. Audacious prayer tactics involve methodically tearing down each barrier. We need to be assertive and ambitious in our efforts. We must push through--refusing to succumb to discouragement and exhaustion. Pray consistently with determination. Boldly approach Christ, knowing that He wants us to be close. Once in His presence, confidently release everything to Him. “Trust Him. He knows what he’s doing, and he will keep on doing it.” (1 Peter 4:19 MSG)

Holy Spirit, enable us to break through the barriers between ourselves and Christ. Teach us to pray audaciously and persistently.

Friday, June 24, 2016

In the Light

“You groped your way through that murk once, but no longer. You're out in the open now. The bright light of Christ makes your way plain. So no more stumbling around. Get on with it!” (Ephesians 5:8 MSG)
I have to keep my curry leaf plant indoors during the winter. It remains alive, but there is no new growth. By the end of the winter, the plant looks dull and pathetic. Every year, I look forward to the arrival of warm, sunny days so that I can move the plant outdoors. The plant thrives in the light, putting out tender new shoots with bright green leaves.
Many of us are like plants which stay indoors too long. We know about Christ, but we aren’t ready to live with Him or go along with His plans. We are content to stay stagnant and do what we please. We may have managed to stay alive in the darkness, but we are withering. It is time to come out into the open and thrive in the light of Christ.
Prayer, at its best, brings us into the presence of God. We cannot control the light of Christ. All we can do is place ourselves in His light. We can decide to leave the darkened corners of our own domains and stand under the Son. We can choose to live under His influence, according to His intentions.
Lord, may Your light shine upon us as we place ourselves in Your presence.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Unceasing Prayer

“Pray continually.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV)
Everyone is busy. We have responsibilities. There is much to accomplish. And, when we are not being productive, we want to enjoy ourselves. Our to-do list is endless, and our time is limited. How can we pray without ceasing when there is so much to be done?
Maybe we need to rethink our ideas about what it means to pray. Many of us were raised to believe that prayer involved repeating lines which we had memorized.  Others learned to use Scripture verses as a preface to petitions. Whatever the methods or rituals, we were taught that prayer required us to take a break from our daily activities.
"To pray, I think, does not mean to think about God in contrast to thinking about other things, or to spend time with God instead of spending time with other people. Rather, it means to think and live in the presence of God.” (Henri Nouwen)
How do we think and live in the presence of God?
We are always in God’s presence, and He already knows our every thought. However, we are rarely aware of God’s omnipresence or omniscience.  We get so absorbed in ourselves and our own agenda that we become unconscious of God.
Prayer requires us to shift our focus from the Self to God. In order to pray continually, we have to be in constant communion with God, connected and open, mindful that our every thought, word, and deed happens in His presence. Through prayer we can acknowledge God and direct our entire being to Him. Presenting ourselves, moment by moment, to the God who is Ever-present and All-knowing--this is unceasing prayer.
Lord, help us to be constantly aware of Your presence.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Live in the Light

“Jesus said, "For a brief time still, the light is among you. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn't destroy you. If you walk in darkness, you don't know where you're going. As you have the light, believe in the light. Then the light will be within you, and shining through your lives. You'll be children of light." (John 12:35-36 MSG)
Summer days are long and full of sunlight. The light makes plants grow--which, in turn, feed animals and humans--causing us to grow. Light affects our physical and mental health. It allows us to see where we are going and what we are doing. Yet, many people choose to live in darkness. They don’t want to face their flaws. Darkness allows them to pretend that evil is acceptable. Bright light reveals truth, and this can be uncomfortable for some.
Apart from Christ, darkness overtakes us. We get lost in a meaningless existence of pleasure seeking. Whether we realize it or not, our lives become pointless. With Christ, we are suffused in light. We are able to see Truth and walk confidently toward it. The light that is within us shines through us. We become expressions of His light.
Be in the light of Jesus.
Think in the light of Jesus.
Speak in the light of Jesus.
Live in the light of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Primary Purpose

“I will preach to them too. That is why I came.” (Mark 1:38 NLT)
Crowds flocked to Jesus because of His reputation as healer. There was a need for healing, and Jesus was good at it. Yet, Jesus knew that this was not His primary purpose.
Many of us are blessed in multiple ways. It is tempting to exercise certain gifts more than others. Those talents that bring immediate gratification, validation, and appreciation are usually developed eagerly, while less popular ones are neglected. There will always be more demand for healing and feeding than for teaching and preaching. Ministry opportunities that are focused on singing, performing, self-improvement, socialization, child-care, fund-raising, service trips, and charity events tend to attract more interest than those which involve study and contemplation.
Perhaps you sense that your primary purpose is to do something that is a bit uncomfortable. Maybe you are already good at something else that brings you appreciation and satisfaction. Following your primary call may seem less efficient. Yet, that is why you are here. Everything else up to this point was merely training and preparation. Step out. Accept the feelings of incompetence. Have confidence that God will fill in the gaps.
Lord, guide us to our primary purpose, and then give us the courage to pour everything into it.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sacred Moments

“One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike.” (Romans 14:5 NIV)

Life is a string of days ranging from the profane to the sacred. Most of our hours are spent somewhere in between--on mundane activities and pursuits. We are in the habit of assigning worth to each day based on productivity, pleasure, or profit. Like colored, glass beads, these worldly measures may elicit admiration, but, in reality, they have very little significance.

“To be a contemplative we must begin to see time, not as a commodity, but as a sacrament revealing God to us in the here and now.”  (Joan Chittester)

To contemplate means to meditate, to ponder, to reflect upon. The opposite is to ignore, reject, disregard, or look away. Most of us fill our days pursuing diversions. We fill our hours ignoring and rejecting God rather than  tuning in to Him. Our time is worth much more than we realize. Each day has the potential to be sacramental. We can choose to spend our time trading for temporal trinkets or consecrate each moment to that which is sacred. God is with us here and now. He doesn’t hide, but sometimes we bury Him under distractions.

Contemplation uncovers the Spirit within us and around us. Our life can be filled with sacred moments where we notice God in everything and experience the delight of His presence.  As we yield, we become like a leaf carried by a river--immersed in the Spirit, drowning, flowing. We are powerless, but free from illusions of control. We are overwhelmed, but energized. We are drenched, yet refreshed.

Lord, may my days be a series of sacred moments in which I delight in You.  

Friday, June 17, 2016

Vessels for Grace

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 MSG)

We live in a rural area, and our water comes from a well operated by an electric pump.  When the electricity goes out, our water supply gets cut off. Thus, whenever I see storms approaching, I try to fill up every vessel I have with water before the power goes out.

“Are you encompassed with needs at this very moment, and almost overwhelmed with difficulties, trials, and emergencies? These are all divinely provided vessels for the Holy Spirit to fill.” (Streams in the Desert)

Every need and difficulty hollows out a space inside us. Where once we felt competent, sufficient, prideful, now, we become impotent and deficient. We become like earthen pots--scooped out in the middle, easily broken.  What can we do with these empty spaces?

Whenever pain creates a void, don’t try to replenish it yourself. Take each of these hollow vessels and line them up in front God. Ask the Lord to fill up your emptiness with the Holy Spirit. Christ becomes the funnel that allows God’s grace to pour into your emptiness. Remain open and receptive to Jesus. Wait patiently for Him to work according to His own timing. Be confident in God’s generosity and power.

Lord, I have so many hollow vessels that need filling. I bring each of them to You. I trust You to take care of my needs. Grant me the patience, courage, and strength to wait for Your timing.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Not My Battle

“God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!" (Exodus 14:14 MSG)

I’ve been told that I talk too much. I can’t help it.  When I’m anxious, I tend to blabber even more than usual. When I think someone is about to do damage--to themselves or others--I start nagging. When things get difficult, I complain. I rant against the unfairness of it all. I use words like weapons. I battle my fear and anxiety by vocalizing every thought that pops into my head. There must be a part of me that imagines that I can influence the outcome of situations with my words. If only this were true...

None of us can convince another person to make lasting changes, no matter how persuasive we are. We might be able to delay someone from making poor choices, but eventually, they will do what they want. Complaining about our troubles is also unproductive. Venting might bring temporary relief, but it rarely improves our circumstances. Only God can cause real transformation. When things get out of control, stay calm. Keep your mouth shut. Reshape your anxieties and concerns into prayers. Speak silently to God. Let Him fight your battles for you.

“Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he'll calm you with his love.” (Zephaniah 3:17 MSG)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


“What kind of action suits the Sabbath best? Doing good or doing evil? Helping people or leaving them helpless?” (Mark 3:4 MSG)
Legalism is a strict adherence to the letter of the law rather than to the spirit of the law. Fundamentalists of every group usually insist on sticking to long-held beliefs rather than treating people with empathy and tolerance. For example, Islam considers homosexuality a sin. Many conservative Muslims believe that harsh treatment of homosexuals is justified, because they are an abomination to society. A Muslim fanatic, who espoused these fundamentalist values, recently shot up a gay bar in Orlando, Florida. His strong, religious convictions led him to kill and injure many people.
Fundamentalist Christians are often vocal also in their condemnation of homosexuality. We point to Bible verses, especially from the Book of Leviticus, to defend our position.  Jesus spoke out against legalism and encouraged compassion in its stead. His teachings emphasized love, acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness. Yet, many of us who profess to be devoted followers of Christ ignore these teachings. We stand behind the shelter of religion while casting stones at homosexuals, refugees, the poor, and the marginalized.
Evil uses our human desire for order and subverts it--deceiving us to rely on rules more than on our conscience. We can always find laws and precedents to defend our beliefs. However, this is what Jesus condemned in the self-righteous Pharisees. He showed us how to live a life of compassion. Let us be followers of Christ’s example. May we help those who are vulnerable, be merciful to those who are oppressed, be kind to those who are different, and inclusive of those who are disenfranchised. May we always choose forgiveness over blame, acceptance over condemnation, and love over hate.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Clearing Space

“Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life.” (Matthew 28:19 MSG)

According to Henri Nouwen, discipline involves clearing space. It’s similar to going out and clearing a weedy garden or a field full of trees before planting. It is preparatory work that must be done before the actual work begins. It can be boring, repetitive, and exhausting. There won’t be any visible or tangible results for a long time--no germinating seedlings, no fruit to harvest.

Discipleship requires us to go out and clear space for God. We are instructed to get rid of all the confusion and clutter within us and around us. We are to train others to do the same. Once we make space, it is tempting to build something on the cleared land according to our own plans, or to influence others to follow our own agenda. Don’t. Just continue to stay available, waiting on God to work according to His plans.

Lord, train us to clear space under Your authority. May we continue to live under Your influence and according to Your intentions.


Monday, June 13, 2016


Jesus was walking by a funeral procession. A widow’s only son was being carried out for burial. Jesus had compassion on her and raised the young man from the dead.  

Most biblical stories about healing are based on faith--either the person requiring healing or someone close to that person has faith. Usually, human faith plus the power of God results in healing and restoration. This incident is different. Nothing is said about the faith of the dead man or his mother. No one asks Jesus for help.  This is not the usual ‘faith healing; it would be more accurate to label this ‘compassion healing.’  

This miracle was very lopsided. It was all Christ. The only thing that the pall bearers did was 'stand still'. They stopped the procession so that Jesus could restore the young man. The dead man sat up and talked. Everyone recognized that God was at work among them.

Jesus can restore people even when faith is inadequate or nonexistent. Healing can be based on God's compassion and mercy alone. It is encouraging to know that Jesus can revive those in whom the Spirit is inanimate. Some of us are called to be pallbearers--to carry those who are unresponsive. Yet, we are unsure of what to do and where to go. All that is required of us is to stand still as Jesus approaches. Be still and recognize God’s power at work.

Lord, have mercy on us. Revive those who are unresponsive to faith and hope. Help us to be peaceful and trust You.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Enduring Pain

“If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.” (Psalm 34:18 MSG)

Faith does not guarantee a problem-free life. Neither does it act like an anesthetic against pain. Most of the spiritual giants whom I have met have all suffered greatly. Here are some things I have learned from talking to several of them:

--Everyone reaches a point in their lives when they realize how powerless they really are. When we are at our wits’ end, when we are completely helpless, when we have exhausted all our resources--some of us turn to God.

--Those who recognize God’s presence and trust Him seem to be able to endure pain better than those who do not.

--Those who are totally dependent and submitted to God enjoy a sense of  freedom. They cease striving. They have the ability to remain peaceful even when it makes no earthly sense.

God is always present. Yet, we rarely pay attention to Him when we feel a sense of control over our lives. But when our heart is broken, when we have nothing and no one left to turn to, when we are kicked in the gut and can’t breathe--then we are more likely to focus on God. This is just the beginning of our faith journey. We are led by the Spirit. Our ego shrinks daily. With each step, we learn to trust, submit, surrender, and obey better. We release everything to God in prayer. Peace and gratitude replace anxiety and fear.  Our endurance and strength steadily increase as we learn to depend less on our own sufficiency and rely more and more God.

When we realize our powerlessness, may we learn to completely depend on God. May the Spirit lead us to peace, endurance, strength, gratitude, and joy.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Questions about Suffering

“And he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.’”(Mark 5:34 NLT)

I wish none of us had to suffer. I know that afflictions can lead to spiritual growth, but right now, I just don’t want to witness any more pain. My mind is full of questions:

--Can we be free of suffering in this life? Or do we have to wait until we reach heaven?
--Can trust in God detach us from the pain--enabling us to be less miserable?
--Is it possible to attain peace in the midst of adversity if we are confident in Christ?
--Can those who suffer eventually develop strong faith-muscles that increase their endurance and resilience?

I sense there is some sort of link between faith, trust, peace, healing, wholeness, contentment, and joy. Yet, I can’t seem to connect the dots to get the complete picture.

Lord, Your plans and strategies are incomprehensible to us; yet, we are confident that they are good. We trust that you will heal us and make us whole. And I trust that You will continue teaching us the things You want us to know about suffering and how to connect the dots.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Attentive and Available

“He has never wandered off to do his own thing; he has been right there, listening."  (Psalm 22:24 MSG)

I am blessed with genuine friends. They may have their own families and responsibilities, but I know that I can count on them. Their constancy and loyalty give me strength. I do not take these relationships for granted. I pour myself into them. I thoughtfully nurture them. I have also experienced the pain of neglect--when others have wandered off to do their own thing.  I’m sure it was unintentional.

Neglect is often unintentional while availability is always intentional.

Fortunately we have an attentive and available God. He is intentional about every aspect of our relationship with Him. He never gets distracted. He never turns His back on us. He listens. He may not do everything we request at the exact time we want it done. He is not our personal assistant.

Are we attentive and available to God? Or do we wander off to do our own thing? Every day is an opportunity to reciprocate--to be devoted and focused on the One who loves us unfailingly. However, we have to be intentional.  We must deliberately carve out time and reserve energy for this relationship.

Lord, thank You for always being dependable and available. Help us to remain attentive and devoted to You.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thanks in Advance

"Father, thank you for hearing me.” (John 11:41 NLT)

I usually call my husband at work and ask him what he would like for dinner. As long as I have the ingredients, I will cook whatever he requests. Since he is at work, he can’t see me preparing the meals or smell the wonderful aromas. Yet he knows that dinner will be ready when he gets home.

“The answer to our prayer has been granted and completed in Heaven as we pray, even though its showing forth on earth may not occur until long afterward. So it is well to close every prayer with praise to God for the answer that He has already granted.” (Streams in the Desert)

God wants to take care of you. When we are close and connected to God, He influences our desires. Our prayers become aligned with His will. Even though we may not sense any signs of an answer to our requests, we know that God is working on it. Pray with confidence. Give thanks and praise. It’s already handled.

Father, thank you for hearing my prayers. May my desires always align with Your plans. You knew what I needed and prompted me to ask. You have already started working on these things. You are dependable and glorious. I praise You and thank You.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Rescue Operation

"Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally... And he did it, rescued us from certain doom. And he'll do it again, rescuing us as many times as we need rescuing. You and your prayers are part of the rescue operation." (Excerpts from 2 Corinthians 1:8-9 MSG)

Recently I read an article about a mother and daughter who got lost in the wilderness in New Zealand. What was supposed to be a day hike turned into five days of wandering in helplessness. The daughter got injured and couldn’t walk. They ran out of food. The frigid temperatures further sapped their strength. The mom found some branches and spelled out the word “HELP” in a clearing. A helicopter search team spotted the sign and rescued them.

Are you feeling pressured on multiple fronts? Perhaps you are dealing with financial, relational, or emotional struggles. Or maybe you or a loved one is afflicted by a serious health issue. What can we do when the burdens of life become overwhelming--when our strength is depleted and our wits are not enough? We call out for HELP! We pray. We ask others to pray with us.

God is our Savior. When we trust Him, when we call out to Him, He rescues us over and over. He extricates us from the wilderness of hopelessness. Sometimes He includes others in these rescue operations. Once we have been on the receiving end of this aid, once we have felt the grace of God--we  are eager to take part in relief efforts for others. We are excited to join in prayer, to pour all our energy into what God is doing. We don’t take this duty lightly. We know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and pressured on all sides. We have experienced the power of prayer during times of desperation. We are thankful for all those who prayed us through when we were too weak and disoriented to pray ourselves. Thus, we lift our hands and faces in gratitude and supplication, honored to play a crucial role in God’s rescue operation.

Lord, You rescue us when we call out for help, and then you include us in Your relief efforts. We are grateful for Your grace.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Spiritual Beings

“When you look at a baby, it's just that: a body you can look at and touch. But the person who takes shape within is formed by something you can't see and touch - the Spirit - and becomes a living spirit.” (John 3:6 MSG)

We think our physical bodies and the perceivable world around us represents the sum total of existence. From our limited human perspective, this is all we can sense; thus, we imagine this is all that matters. However, our intangible souls are shaped by Divine forces. Many of us remain unaware of the Spirit’s presence and influence.

According to French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Unfortunately, most of us go through our day oblivious of our spiritual identity. We become consumed by the business of living. Some of us may take short breaks for spiritual experiences while remaining fully engrossed in being human. We are created for much more. We are made in the image of God. We are spiritual beings who are meant to take short breaks for human experiences. Our souls are occupied by the living Spirit. We are designed to express and manifest the Divine within.

Lord, may Your Spirit take over our thoughts and actions. May we operate from our spiritual core rather than from our physical bodies.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Following Desires

"No one can serve two masters.” (Matthew 6:24 NLT)

I seek what I want. I pursue my desires. Right now, I want comfort, security, stability, peace of mind, health, and significance. These are all physical, earthly desires. Since most of my time and energy is spent striving to meet these goals, there is not much left for spiritual pursuits.

“A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.” (Thomas Merton)

According to Merton, we cannot be part-time followers of Christ. Either we are ALL-IN, or not at all. Either we are controlled by our earthly needs or our spiritual desires. Our thoughts, priorities, schedules, and daily routines are shaped by our end goals. Our lives reflect our aspirations. We are molded into the image of our desires.

We are created to desire God, to be molded in His image, to reflect His character. However, we got turned around and messed up. We look in the wrong direction for gratification, and all our striving still leaves us dissatisfied. God desires commitment, surrender, and intimacy. We can either be consumed by our earthly desires, or we can be consumed by God. Not both.

Lord, may we be molded and shaped by our desire for You; may we be fully committed to loving and serving You.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Relieving Anxiety

“Don't panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” (Isaiah 41:10 MSG)

Anxiety is a lot like being caught in a tornado in the middle of nowhere. You feel agitated inside, but you are too immobilized by fear to do anything productive. Instead, you give in to the panic. You get caught in the whirlwind. The flying debris cuts into your psyche.  Your wounds may heal in time, but your anxiety usually gets worse as you imagine what you will have to face in the future.

Are you sick with anxiety right now? Don’t panic. Seek shelter with God. Go deep into the safe recesses of His peace. Do not get caught up in the whirlwind; it will agitate you, but it won’t solve anything. Instead, release your current concern to Him. There is no need for fear once you acknowledge that God is in control. He will give you strength. He will help you. He will hold you steady. Realize that God has a firm grip on every situation, including this one.

Lord, help me release my concerns to You, knowing that You are in control of everything. Heal me from all anxiety.