

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Best of Wisdom

“Break open your word within me until revelation-light shines out!
Those with open hearts are given insight into your plans.” (Psalm 119:130 TPT)

Whole milk is an emulsion of fat and lipoprotein. Making butter involves churning the milk until the fat molecules detach from the liquid and float to the top where they can be scooped up. The butter is always present in the milk. It just takes deliberate effort to bring it to the surface.
Much of what I know is not brand new information. Like any discovery, it was always there; I just didn’t know it was there. I know many things in a deeper way now than I knew before. What was amorphous and vague now has shape. I am able to articulate what was unclear a few years ago, because I have a more nuanced and profound understanding of certain things. 

Wisdom is always present in our subconscious mind. Yet, it remains indiscernible until contemplation and experience bring it to the surface. This takes intentional resolution. We have to invite the Spirit of God to break open our souls. Divine illumination reveals truth. Receptive minds are given understanding. Insights emerge from the depths of our being. The creme de la creme, the best of wisdom, becomes accessible. 

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