

Friday, October 12, 2018

Private Pacer

“God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track.” (1 Corinthians 1:8 MSG)

I met Kathy during a group run in our area. She is half my age and twice as fast. She runs like a gazelle, her long legs easily leaping over the miles. She is one of those runners whom I may see at the start and end of a race, but rarely during the in-between miles. That is why I was surprised to see her half-way through a recent long-distance race. She looked like she was running in place, her legs intentionally taking the smallest steps possible. She was acting as a private pacer for a friend who was new to endurance running. Kathy kept a steady pace and conversation going. She stopped when her friend needed water and slowed down when her friend needed to catch her breath. It was a beautiful sacrifice.

I can sometimes sense God’s Spirit alongside me, acting as my private pacer. My pace is so slow; I wonder why He bothers with me at all. Yet, He  consistently keeps me steady and on track. He talks me through the rough parts, encourages me when I am tired, slows down when I need to, and stops when I need refreshment. This sacrificial relationship is very lopsided. My role is minimal. All I have to do is listen carefully to the directions and not give up.

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