

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Gracious God

“But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.” (Isaiah 30:18 MSG)
Parents do things for their kids without expectations of reciprocity. We do it because we love them without limits, without conditions. They may or may not deserve or appreciate all that we do, but we do it anyway.  When our son was seventeen, we bought him a used car. Before we handed him the keys, my husband and I did everything we could do to make the car ready for emergencies. My husband took care of all the mechanical stuff, while I made sure to stuff granola bars and emergency gas money in different compartments. We also made up a winter bag with extra blankets, gloves, snowpants, etc. for the trunk, in case he got stuck in the snow somewhere. I don’t think my son even knows about half of this stuff.
We have a God who loves us unconditionally, sacrificially. He fills each of us with immeasurable potential, undeserved grace. Most of us get bogged down in what we lack, while God has stuffed us with more than we need.  Until a crisis hits, we don’t even notice. Even then, we have to look-- in the depths of our inner self, in every hidden compartment of our being. And God’s not finished. He’s eagerly watching, waiting for us to ask for His input. The Lord is gracious, merciful, and compassionate. He takes the time to set everything right.

Lord, we shall wait in anticipation, trusting in Your grace. Heal us and make us whole.

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