

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


“‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said, ‘for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!’ As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, ‘Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.’” (Daniel 10:19 NLT)
If there is a gene for bravery, I don’t have it. What others consider adventurous, I see as risky; what I view as familiar routines, others deem mundane. When given the choice between chaos and stability, I always pick the latter.  But I don’t always get to choose.
During turbulent points in my life, I have called out to God in a state of panic. At first, I wouldn’t hear anything but the fear and confusion in my mind. However, if I focused on trusting God, eventually I would sense that He was near. Words from a song, a verse of scripture, the comforting voice of a friend, buds on a tree, a soaring eagle--hope from unexpected sources would strengthen me. This unexplainable surge of courage, when circumstances still remained bleak, has to be from God.  

Lord, help me to take the courage that You offer. Show me how to drive out fear by leaning into You. Speak to me, Lord. Quiet my soul so I can hear you and be strengthened.

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