

Friday, May 9, 2014


Most Christians are familiar with the Beatitudes found in the Gospels of both Matthew and Luke. The word beatitude comes from the Latin word for ‘fortunate’ or ‘blessed.’ I’ve always been particularly drawn to the first beatitude:
“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (Matthew 5:3 MSG)
If I had to put this verse in my own words, it would be:
You are fortunate when you no longer have the illusion of control—for then you may become aware that God is in control.
You are fortunate when you are overwhelmed and at your wit’s end—for now you may be able to rely on God completely.
I’m not a very good driver, so I’m willing to let anyone who is a better driver take over the wheel. Yet, when it comes to my life, I’m reluctant to hand over the controls to anyone…including God.
The more I try to control things, the more I try to manage on my own, the more I get worked-up over a situation…the more I push God to the side. The more of me, the less of HIM. With less of me, the more of God. Either I drive, or God drives. There can only be one driver… and God is a better driver. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your honesty. Someone I know in my life has the same extreme need to control or she feel like she is out of control. Since I am at a loss as to deal with her constant need to control, which in the end creates unnecessary stress in her own life, which then becomes another unnecessary ripple effect on everyone involved in her life, I do give it up to God so I can deal with the stress she has created.

    Giving it up to God doesn't mean it will be a miracle "viola", situation resolved immediately. Although, I do believe that is also possible if it is God's plan. It does mean God has His plans and when you watch and learn, before you know it, the situation has changed.
