

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pleasant Activity Scheduling

“I have calmed and quieted myself...” (Psalm 131:2 NLT)

Behavioral therapists recommend scheduling a few pleasant activities daily to improve our mental health. When we are feeling low, many of us don’t have the energy to get out of the pit. This can make the situation worse. Scheduling recovery on a regular basis can prevent us from spiraling into darkness. The simpler these activities are, the more likely we are to do them frequently.

What is comforting to one person might be stressful to another. Thus, the first step is to figure out what each of us finds pleasant. Perhaps you find shopping, baking, cleaning, eating, walking, running, dancing, playing a musical instrument, online surfing, riding horses, socializing, etc. to be relaxing. Personally, I find it deeply satisfying to go into my bedroom, shut the door, draw the curtains, sit up in my bed, close my eyes, and contemplate. I enjoy quiet and privacy. Sometimes I feel guilty about taking this time for myself--even though I know it is deeply therapeutic. It is difficult for me to admit when I am drained and need some alone time. Planning ahead makes things easier. I use my prior experiences to predict how I may feel. For example, I know not to schedule anything that requires physical or mental energy after a long run, a trip, or overnight visits from guests. I schedule quiet times after exhausting events and social activities once I am recovered. Calm and quiet rejuvenate my soul.

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