

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Gift of Teaching

“If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well.” (Romans 12:7 NLT)

Constellations are groupings of stars that resemble familiar patterns. In ancient times, farmers used them to determine seasons, and sailors looked to them for navigation. The stars are out every night, but many of us never see them. Even if we make a point to go outside on a clear night and stare at them, we can’t connect the dots to see the pattern. It helps to have a teacher who is skilled at recognizing and explaining these points of light.

I have just enough teaching skills to appreciate teachers who are much more gifted than I am. I have had the privilege of having some truly high-caliber mentors. They see things that I can’t see. They connect the dots and point out the patterns that I miss. They keep reminding me of truths that are evident in the dark, if only I would look for them. They awaken my mind, inspire my spirit, and expand my perspective. They lead by example, showing me how learning never ends. I am grateful to these individuals who take time to understand the mysteries of life and explain what they have learned.

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