

Monday, April 1, 2019

Virtuous Character

“And endurance develops strength of character,” (Romans 5:4 ESV)

A person of virtuous character does what is right even when it is unpopular, inconvenient, or unprofitable. There was a time when these traits were considered noble. Nowadays, a person like this would be deemed foolish and unlikely to succeed. Endurance, honor, integrity, and kindness are no longer valued commodities; instead, greed, self-promotion, immorality, and indulgence are prized, promoted, and elected. We justify pursuing our agenda by any means, even if it means hitching our wagon to indecency, injustice, and indifference.

Societal values, slowly but surely, seep into our psyche. It’s like living near a contaminated water source. The toxins permeate the soil, well water, pipes, appliances, clothes, dishes, and utensils--poisoning our families, pets, livestock, and crops. The consequences may not manifest themselves immediately. Like malignancies, they are often undetectable in the initial stages.

While it may be comforting to indulge in nostalgic memories of the ‘good old days’, when we white-washed prejudice and ignored inequality, these regressive beliefs do not lead to growth. The development of virtuous character takes intentional movement away from habits, attitudes, and individuals who embrace standards of depravity. It takes perseverance to move forward rather than backward. This endurance leads to strength of  character--the fortitude to do what is right and good, no matter what the circumstances.

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