

Friday, January 17, 2014

Video Game Levels

In video games, each progressive level is usually more challenging than the last. The obstacles are more numerous, more frequent, and more complex. The skills learned in the beginning levels enable the player to get through the subsequent levels.
I wish I could embrace life’s challenges and tests with the same gusto as gamers do when playing video games! Instead, I try to avoid new challenges, especially if the consequences of failure are serious.
Over the years, my hesitancy to stretch beyond my comfort zone has shrunk my sphere of effectiveness. Many of the skills that I had when I was younger have atrophied. As I get older, even minor obstacles seem monumental and intimidating.
Sometimes gamers will temporarily relinquish their controller to a better player. A level that might be particularly difficult for one player might be within the ability of another player.
When facing challenges that are beyond my capacity, I need to rely on the Holy Spirit’s leadership. When I’m asked to extend grace beyond my limit, I have to let the Lord take over the controls. I’m not quitting or walking away—just admitting that I need help to get through this particular level.
Having faith in someone means that you are sure that you can depend on that person, count on him, trust him to do what he claims he can do. When we have reached our limits, the borders of our sphere of influence—our faith in God should enable us to peacefully, trustingly depend on Him. Through the power of His Holy Spirit within us, we will be able to extend supernatural grace (beyond our natural human capacity) in every situation.
“You have extended our borders and we give you the glory!” (Isaiah 26:15 NLT)


  1. Nice post! Sometimes gamers will temporarily relinquish their controller to a better player. A level that might be particularly difficult for one player might be within the ability of another player. Thanks.

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  2. I have a business card that says "If God is your co-pilot...switch seats." "The Lord will guide you always." Isaiah 58:11
