“For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.” (Psalm 36:9 NLT)
Life and light gush forth in abundance from God. In order to make the most of this overflowing benevolence, all we have to do is be near the Source. Yet, even a close relationship with Christ does not guarantee a trouble-free existence.
"We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen." (Thomas Merton)
The light of Christ enables us to notice the inherent weakness of the human condition. It doesn’t always prevent us from stumbling. Yet, without it we don’t even realize when we are wallowing in pits of slime and sin.
Enlightenment allows us to see our inadequacies and shape them into vessels which can receive grace. Our emptiness, our loneliness, our self-centeredness--all become receptacles. However, even pots can’t be filled if they are turned upside down. Faith enables us to turn right side up. Hope permits us to face God. Trust opens us up to His love. As we remain centered in Christ, we become suffused in His overflowing light.
Lord, You are the source of life and light. Fill us up so we are overflowing with Your grace.