

Thursday, August 3, 2017


“You must not take advantage of each other.” (Leviticus 25:14 NLT)

Do you take advantage of others? Do you allow others to abuse you? Do you stand by while your loved ones are being victimized?

Abusive relationships are often based on the oppression of certain individuals so that others may profit. Perpetrators often get away with mistreatment by using deception and excuses. They convince victims that what they are doing is justified--either the victim deserves it, or it’s harmless, and the victim is merely overreacting.

Most of us would not tolerate abuse if we could identify it and had the power to stop it. Thus, the first step is to recognize it.

Here is the dictionary definition of abuse: to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way; to use wrongly, to speak insultingly or unjustly.
Synonyms: exploit, impose upon,  manipulate, violate, fleece, maltreat
Antonyms: aid, assist, protect, defend, respect, cherish, honor

Are there people in your life who treat you with contempt so that they can feel better about themselves?

Do you exploit or manipulate others for your own pleasure?

Or are you investing in relationships where everyone is cherished, honored, encouraged, and protected from harm?


  1. I ended a marriage I was in to the father of my sons for 12½ years because of abuse both physical and mental. I asked myself these question and decided as hard as life would be for awhile, both my sons and myself deserved to move forward with God's help.

    My Mother was devastated because I was a "good Christian" and in her era, unfortunately, it was a Cardinal Sin to break the wedding vow. Little did she understand my life depended on it, both physically and mentally.

    Small people bully and manipulate. People who truly believe God wants only the best for us, even through lessons learned, are the ones who are able to move forward.
