

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Contagion of Evil

Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.” (2 Peter 2:2 NIV)

Disease can be contagious; health is not. You are more likely to pick up infections from being around sick people than you are to pick up good habits from hanging around healthy individuals. Why? None of us would choose to be sick, but once we are exposed to a contagious illness, it is often outside of our control whether we get infected or not. On the contrary, we would like to emulate those who are physically fit. We have a choice in this matter. However, many of us are reluctant to make the necessary changes in behavior.

Evil is contagious; goodness is not. Depravity can contaminate wholeness a lot quicker than decency can influence wickedness. Why? None of us would choose degeneration; it is just what happens when we consort with evil. Like kids grasping the edges of a slippery slide, we try not to spiral down any further into degradation, but it’s hard to reverse our choices once we get this far.

Conversely, we admire those who are honorable and conscientious; yet, we find it difficult to emulate them. Ascending the heights of virtue takes effort and commitment. Yet, we cannot get very far on our own. We have to rely on God to protect and guide us through.  


  1. Allow every storm you go through, every bad break, to push you to trust God in a greater way. When you don’t think you’ll make it through, God turns it around. He gives you strength when you don’t think you can go on. ~ Joel Osteen
