

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Agenda Party

Over the last few decades, I’ve been invited to several ‘product parties’—social gatherings hosted by a woman, where one of her friends is selling something. The products range from jewelry, baskets, candles, make-up, purses, art supplies, kitchen gadgets, etc. Usually it is marketed as an opportunity for gals to get together and have fun at a friend’s house, while allowing another friend to make some extra cash. I have always thought of these gatherings as ‘agenda parties’ and try to avoid them as much as possible. However, recently, I’ve been tempted to have an ‘agenda party’ in my home!
According to the World Bank, 2.4 billion people lived on less than $2 a day in 2010. For many of us living in the U.S., this is a hard figure to digest. I spend more than $2 on each meal and that doesn’t even cover the fuel/energy costs to purchase and prepare the food.
Here is my idea for an ‘agenda party’: I would like to have a potluck supper where I ask guests to bring a dish of food that costs $2 or less. I would also like to have everyone share one idea on how we can change this situation. I’m not sure how to ‘market’ this party. I don’t know how to make this a ‘fun’ experience. I wonder how many guests would find excuses not to come.
My agenda for this party is to increase awareness of the disparity in this world, and to get us all thinking about how to resolve it. If you live near me, let me know if you would like to attend my agenda party. If you live far from me, maybe you could consider hosting a similar party or family meal in your own home. 

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