

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


When we are frustrated or angry at a person, venting our emotions to a third party who is not involved in the situation can be therapeutic. The act of venting allows an outlet for our emotions, releasing pent-up pressure. This deflects some of the force of our anger towards the person who is involved.

“Complain if you must, but don’t lash out.
Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking.
Build your case before God and wait for his verdict.” (Ps. 4:4-5 MSG)

Complain, vent –but not to the person who has made you angry. When I’m upset with a family member, I talk to my friends about it. If I’m frustrated with a friend, I talk to my husband about it. Just talking over a situation with a neutral party allows me to get a different perspective and gives me time to cool off. By not spouting off something to the person with whom I’m angry, I’m less likely to say something I regret.

I also vent to God. I present my case to Him. I lay out all my feelings, my fears, my concerns. And then, I’m not so pent up with emotion. Even before there is any sort of resolution to the problem, I feel a sense of relief knowing that God’s got this, and I just need to trust and wait.

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