

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beige Girl

I knew a girl who wore beige-colored clothes all the time. She was sweet, sensitive, and self-effacing. She wanted to blend in, not cause any trouble, and keep peace at any cost. She imagined that wearing colorful clothing might make too much of a statement, call attention to herself, and upset someone. Thus, she wore nondescript, beige clothes as often as she could.

I’ve known several ‘Beige Girls’ over the years. They don’t always wear beige clothes—yet they appear neutral, monochromatic, and plain; They are usually kind, humble, and amiable. Beige girls are wonderful spouses and are great to have as friends. They are supportive, giving, nurturing, and rarely demand anything in return.

Now, there is a downside to being a Beige Girl. Since they don’t like to ‘rock the boat,’ they often give in to others who have stronger personalities. Their desire to appease others makes them yield to strong-willed friends, as well as to self-serving bullies. They choose not to be seen, or heard, not to assert their needs—so they rarely get the recognition or respect they deserve. They are not devoid of color or personality. They just don’t express their true colors or acknowledge their own worth, significance, or uniqueness.

To all the dear Beige Girls in my life, I say: I’ve seen glimpses of your deep radiance. Don’t suppress your true brilliance. Share your thoughts; let your voice be heard; sing out; speak up. Shine.

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