

Friday, August 8, 2014

Martyr Complex

Do you know anyone who suffers from a martyr complex?

“The martyr is one who employs self-sacrifice and victimization as a way of avoiding to take responsibility for their life. They view life as a struggle, and themselves as a bastion of righteousness in an ungrateful world. To have a normal and mature adult relationship is difficult for them. They will want to help you by listening to your problems, by offering their time and possessions, and by trying to make you dependent on them. In fact, if you don't ask them for assistance, behave strongly and confidently, and treat them as mature and self-sufficient people as well, they will sabotage such a situation and become like little children themselves."

The difference between a real martyr and one who merely suffers from a martyr complex is this: A real martyr rarely calls attention to how much he/she has suffered for the sake of others. On the other hand, those who have a martyr complex usually feel underappreciated and entitled. 

Those who have a martyr complex rarely take responsibility for their own lives, but often take responsibility for other people’s issues. They see themselves as victims with very little control over their own situation, yet they frequently attempt to manage the lives of others. They often seek significance by fostering dependence. Either they find someone who is needy, or they themselves will become the needy ones. Dependency and clinginess are the bread and butter of a martyr complex.

Martyrdom, whether authentic or manufactured, can be burdensome for all parties involved. It discourages personal responsibility and cultivates a victim mentality. It enables dependency, a sense of entitlement, and immaturity. The world doesn’t need more martyrs or victims. Instead it would benefit from more individuals who take ownership for their own growth and maturity.

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