

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Storm Clean Up

After a storm passes, homeowners are faced with the task of cleanup and recovery. Here are some tips from home improvement expert, Bob Vila: Take snapshots of damage. Extract water from house. Clean drains. Keep air circulating with fans and dehumidifiers. Disinfect to get rid of contaminants. Remove and repair wet drywall to prevent mold and mildew. Remove any tree or shrubs that are damaged—some mandatory pruning might be necessary. Inspect roof and check for leaks. Repair or replace roof if necessary. Repair any broken windows.

The above tips can be useful for figurative storms in our lives as well. Record the damage—it can be a useful learning tool. Extract anything that can continue to cause deterioration. Keep airing out any issues that might have come up. Decontaminate. Inspect protective boundaries and sheltering barriers for cracks. Repair, rebuild, replace. Some mandatory pruning of previous ideas might be necessary. Clear the debris—useless nonsense that has been left behind by the storm. Each experience changes how we look at the world. Reevaluate priorities and readjust perspectives as needed.

The storm might have been devastating, and you might not have the energy or resources to deal with the cleanup and rebuilding. Ask for help. If you are powerless, call on the ONE Who is All-Power-Full, All-Mighty, Capable, and Dependable.

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