

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Recently, I heard a TV celebrity wishing to have a billion dollars.  His current net worth is only 85 million.

Wealth is associated with power, influence, control, success, importance, security, and prestige. So it is natural for humans to assume that more wealth brings more happiness.

Our ambitions might be different. We might wish for more health, beauty, love, financial security, peace--for ourselves and our loved ones. We eat right and exercise; we moisturize our skin and drink filtered water; we buy homes in safe neighborhoods and send our kids to good schools; we read books on marriage and parenting; we invest in businesses; we work hard for promotions; we save for retirement--all of these actions are seen as acceptable, because we are merely being good stewards of the opportunities we have been given. We might even justify our motives as altruistic since we are doing all this for the welfare of others.

“We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21 MSG)

Most of our ambitions are motivated by a desire to retain control of our lives. We strategize and work hard to achieve self-sufficiency. We might become billionaires, look youthful and successful, have long, healthy, productive lives, and be honored by everyone. However, unless our plans are aligned with God’s purpose, they all just amount to busywork that has no lasting value.

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