

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


“The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive.” ( Proverbs 20:27 NLT)

Humans have been digging for valuables since the dawn of civilization. We dig for water, minerals, gems, petroleum, and natural gas. Most of us know it is useless to just go into our backyards with a pickaxe and shovel and dig in random places. We have invented instruments to determine where to dig and tools to efficiently penetrate layers of earth.

Discovering valuables such as Truth, Meaning, Purpose, and Goodness require some excavation as well. Yet, randomly digging using our own wisdom and strength is inefficient and unproductive. It is best to expend energy where we are divinely directed. The Holy Spirit penetrates our subconscious minds, bypassing any and all impenetrable layers, until what is truly valuable is revealed.

Lord, may all our efforts be directed by Your light and powered by Your might. Holy Spirit, take over.

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