

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Applying Logic to Spiritual Problems

“Well aware of their reasonings, Jesus answered their questions by asking in turn, "What is this that you are debating in your hearts?” (Luke 5:22 WNT)

Antibiotics are useful when treating bacterial infections but not for viral illnesses. However, since it is often hard to distinguish between bacterial and viral infections, many of us seek antibiotics when we feel ill. This can cause more harm in the form of antibiotic resistance.

Similarly, logic and reason are useful ways of dealing with most earthly issues but not for spiritual matters. It is often difficult to tell the difference. Most of us apply the same ointment of logic to every affliction. When faced with adversity, we use rational thoughts, arguments, debate, human knowledge, and experience. If something doesn’t make sense, we reject it as nonsense. This can cause more harm in the form of spiritual resistance.  As long as we continue to rely on human strategies, we cannot access God’s power.

Natural solutions cannot address supernatural problems. At best, human logic can lead to temporary relief. Faith that does not extend beyond human reasoning is ineffectual.  Thus, it is imperative that we lean not on human methodologies but on God to fight spiritual battles.  Only Divine healing leads to true transformation.

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