

Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Spirit of Despair

“...A garment of praise in place of a spirit of despair.” (Isaiah 61:3 BSB)

It was one of those days. Gray clouds blocked the sun. The howling wind whipped the trees, shook the house, and churned up chaos within my soul. A spirit of despondency took over, weighing me down with unexplainable sadness. Everywhere I looked, I saw suffering, disappointment, failure, and meaninglessness. Melancholy, like an uninvited visitor, had appeared at my door. She talked her way in and refused to leave. She drew the drapes closed, blocking the light of grace. She ransacked every nook, creating chaos and disorder. She maximized my burdens while minimizing my perception of God’s wisdom.

My energy reserves were being depleted quickly. The longer I waited, the further I would sink. I knew what I needed to do. I had to shake off the oppressive spirit of despair and replace it with a covering of praise. At times like this, when I have no words of my own, I rely on the Word of God to revive me. There are times when I can neither access a Bible quickly enough, nor can I recall scripture verses that I have memorized. That is when lyrics to songs I have heard in the past wash over me. The windows to my soul are opened and the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blows out the musty air of despair. I am reminded of who God is. I feel His presence. Gradually, grace seeps in; hope peeks through; strength returns. I lean on the Lord to rescue me. I am confident that the Eternal will finish what He started in me.

“Whenever I walk into trouble, You are there to bring me out. You hold out Your hand to protect me against the wrath of my enemies, and hold me safely in Your right hand. The Eternal will finish what He started in me.” (Psalm 138:7-8 VOICE)

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