

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

The 1995 film, Braveheart, depicts the life of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior. Most viewers don’t remember that Wallace was hung, drawn, and quartered by the end of the movie. Instead, we remember the iconic scene where the lead actor gives an inspiring speech--his long hair flowing in the wind, blue war paint on his face, sword held high. We associate this image of the brave soldier with the title of the movie. Surprisingly, ‘Braveheart’ is not a nickname for the main character but the name of Wallace’s double-edged broadsword.

Have you ever felt ill-equipped to do what you sense you are called to do? Not all of us who are called to the frontlines of battle are tall, muscular, white, or male; we may not be brave, strong, or inspiring, either. These inadequacies can prevent us from stepping up when needed. I, for one, do not feel qualified to be at the frontlines of anything. If they were to make a movie about me, it would be titled Fearheart.

The antidote to fear is faith. We do not go to the frontlines of battle ill-equipped. Instead, we learn to wield the double-edged sword which is the word of God. This makes our hearts brave, even though we fully expect to be humiliated and tormented. It is not our physical appearance, strength, or courage that allows us to lead the battle. It is not our abilities of articulation that inspire others. It is not a belief in our own suitability for the job that helps us stand firm. It is our confidence in the living God.

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