

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Seasonal Depression

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God. I will praise him again and again.” (Psalm 42:11 NLT)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that many people go through in the winter months. For those who live far from the equator, shorter amounts of daylight can lead to lower energy, less motivation, and isolation. Prolonged periods of inactivity can cause us to feel useless and discouraged about our lives. Thus, experts recommend getting more natural light, exercising, scheduling social time, and doing seasonal projects as ways to combat the winter blues.

In some ways, I prefer winters in Iowa over other forms of dark periods in life. At least winter is predictable. Since I know it is coming every year, I can prepare and plan for it. I can attest to the benefits of exercise and having focused activities during this season. I bring my potted plants in and put them near the windows that bring in the most light. I water them regularly and turn them a few inches every day, even when they look pathetic. Regardless of whether I have the energy or motivation, I make time to write, study, cook, and keep in touch with friends. I know winter will end--at the latest by May. This makes it bearable.

Cycles of darkness that accompany tragedy, illness, loss, disappointment, and failure are much harder. They are unpredictable, devastating, and overwhelming. There is no way to know when these periods will end. During these times of sadness and discouragement, I put my hope in God. I place myself, like a potted plant in His presence, His light, His truth. This is a daily practice which requires active discipline, intentional dependence, and trust on my part. The longer this season of darkness, the more my energy wanes. Fear, anxiety, and self-pity sap my motivation further. However, I keep turning to God’s light. I soak in His presence. I remain confident in His love. I place my hope and expectation in God alone. I praise Him again and again.  

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