

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Stay On Track

 “Don’t be ornery like a horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to stay on track. God-defiers are always in trouble; God-affirmers find themselves loved every time they turn around.” (Psalm 32:9-10 MSG)

Have you ever had to stop on the shoulder of a road due to an emergency? The paved margins of highways are meant for temporary use, yet some people drive in these lanes. Most are looking to get back on the proper road but keep driving on the shoulder in hopes of getting ahead of traffic.

On the journey of life, there are times when you are forced onto the margins. A sudden crisis comes up, and you become sidelined. This is understandable. But when you start normalizing these margin lanes, you start driving down shoulder roads. You think you are being clever by using every possible way to get ahead, but it is just a matter of time before you end up in trouble. This tendency to keep living on the margins is not a matter of intelligence but of wisdom. Depending on your influences, you may have normalized driving on the shoulder lanes in many areas of life: finances, relationships, health, excessive behaviors, time and energy management, etc. Deep down, you sense that you are off-track, but pride and stubbornness keep you moving along until you run out of options.

Pride and stubbornness lead to defiance. God-defiers are like ornery horses who need bit and bridle to stay on track. If they don’t correct their trajectory, they will either run out of options or self-destruct. God-affirmers find themselves loved at every turn. They are encompassed in mercy and wisdom. Whenever they find themselves on the margins, they get back on track as soon as possible. They don’t attempt to get ahead by pushing to get their own way. Instead, they trust God to guide them. 


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