

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Laws of Nature

Why should God follow the laws of nature? Shouldn’t He be able to circumvent the natural order of things, since He is the one who created these laws in the first place?

For example, even if we continuously do stupid things, shouldn’t God save us from the natural consequences of our actions?

If I decide to drop a coin from the top of a tall building, it could hit someone walking down the street. Why can’t God just defy the law of gravity and make my coin float in the air? Why not suspend the concept of free will and stop the person from walking under my coin at that precise moment? For that matter, why allow me to drop the coin in the first place? He has the power to do anything, and He loves us, right?

Many of our prayers are centered on asking God to save us from the results of our own or others’ choices. We get frustrated when God delays in implementing solutions that we’ve come up with to fix the problems that we created.

Disorder and chaos are associated with evil, not good. If God routinely circumvented the natural order that He put in place, that wouldn’t be good. And God’s essence, His nature, has to be pure goodness.

“Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!” (Genesis 1:31 NLT)

1 comment:

  1. On one hand, I think you're right. But, on the other hand, some "natural" laws just stink, especially for the innocent who didn't make any bad choices.
