

Monday, April 7, 2014

Active Noise Control

God knows the path that He has planned for me. He has a specific itinerary for each of us. His Spirit speaks to my soul. Why can’t I understand this calling from the deep high places within me? There have been times in the past when I have understood my purpose. However, these days I cannot hear clearly. There is a static in my soul that interferes with the Spirit’s communication. I know what is causing this noise, this disturbance—it’s all the other communication channels that are open to me. If I could disconnect from everything else for even a little while, I might be able to understand better.
What I need is some noise-canceling headphones that fit my soul.
Noise-canceling headphones use a combination of soundproofing and active noise control to cancel out background noise and improve listening.
“A noise-cancellation speaker emits a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase (also known as antiphase) to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out - an effect which is called phase cancellation.”
 Thus far, I’ve used different methods of soundproofing—physically putting space between me and the noise. However, I could also immerse myself in antiphase waves of sound that cancel out the undesirable messages that muddy my soul. Whether they are messages that endorse materialism, pride, hatred, greed, dominance, self-centeredness, insecurity, fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, despair, apathy, panic, desire, envy, anger…I would have to expose myself to just as many sources of opposing ideas of similar amplitude…


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