

Friday, April 4, 2014

Counterfeit Faith

Every religion imagines that it has a monopoly on Truth. Even within the same faith, each sect, each denomination--members will claim to be more enlightened than others. I am not going to suggest that I have discovered the ‘one true religion’ which has figured it all out. Yet, I have observed a disturbing trend: a wide-spread acceptance of counterfeit, watered-down, agenda-driven faith.

Whether a purse is made of real leather or man-made materials that look like leather, it still functions the same. However, using adulterated materials for the foundation of your house might have much bigger consequences. At first, the house might seem stable; but over time, cracks will appear and eventually there will be structural damage. Faith is less like an accessory and more like a home—thus counterfeit faith can be catastrophic.

Here are some signs of a counterfeit faith:
--looks good from the outside, but the insides are corrupted by immorality and lack of discipline.
--religious beliefs based on self-indulgence, self-interest, and self-promotion; “How can I convince God to make my life better?”
--more concerned about getting than giving.
--lacks durability, will degenerate over time.

“For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence!” (Matt. 23:25 NLT)
“The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God.” (1 Timothy 1:5 MSG) 

“Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.” (James 1:27 MSG)

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