

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ignoring Alarms

“They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives.” (Ezekiel 33:5 NLT)

We snooze through morning alarms, ignore low fuel lights on cars, disable chirping smoke alarms, and unplug weather radios that wake us up in the middle of the night. We don’t take these alarms seriously, until we have experienced the negative consequences of doing so. If we lost our job due to routine tardiness, or ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere, or lost a loved one in a house fire or tornado--we would subsequently learn to pay attention to these alarms.

What are the alarms that we routinely ignore?

My concerns for others come to mind: some are neglectful of their health; others are excessive in their spending; many live without much forethought beyond earthly desires. It’s easier to notice the negligence of others rather than my own laxness. I cannot make another person pay attention to his/her alarms; all I can do is heed warnings that apply to my own behavior.

What are the warning signs that you are ignoring in your own life?

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