

Monday, March 21, 2016

Driver's Seat

“Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:20 MSG)
My friend Sue is a great driver. Sometimes I ride along with her just to keep her company. I’m not really concerned about where we are going or when we get there. I never check to see if she has enough gas in her car, or if she is going the speed limit. Even if the weather is bad, and it is dark, I never lean over and try to take over the steering wheel! I know that Sue is a better driver than I am. I trust her.
Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. ‘Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am.’” (Matthew 16:24 MSG)

Jesus is in the driver’s seat. We are meant to ride along, just to keep Him company. However, we treat Jesus more like an Uber driver than a trusted friend. We want Him to drive us where we want to go. We constantly question Him: How much longer? Are you sure you know where we are going? Do you have enough gas to get us there? Is this the best route?

When we trust Jesus, we can ride along companionably while He drives. He leads, we follow--unquestioningly. He is in charge; He knows what He is doing. He is the greatest.

Lord Jesus, help us to trust You completely and ride along peacefully, knowing that You are capable, care-full, and all-knowing.

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