

Friday, May 27, 2016

Crushing It

“In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.” (Psalm 18:29 NLT)

Mud Runs are obstacle course races held in muddy fields. These races are popular, because they make participants feel tough and adventurous. The events take a few hours to complete. Teams of runners crawl under barbed wire, climb up rope ladders, wade through icy water, walk on slippery balance beams--all to prove to themselves that they can overcome challenges. Tandem mud runs require you and your partner to complete tasks together. Much of the race is run with the stronger partner carrying the weaker one on his back. Holding on to each other is much tougher when both of you are covered in slippery mud.

Real life is a lot more challenging than a mud run. It’s messier. The obstacles are unpredictable. The race goes on for decades. And no amount of  training can prepare us to tackle everything that comes our way.  Many people assume that they can develop the strength, stamina, endurance, wits, and courage to face hurdles on their own. Experience says otherwise.  Under our own power, we might be able to get through a few things. But only in God’s strength can we crush spiritual oppression and scale the massive challenges of real life. We have a God who is willing to carry us on His back through much of the race. Our job is to trust and hold on no matter how slippery things get. The course is still tough; we will get pushed through dark tunnels, shoved across barriers, and pulled through muddy trenches. We will be dirty and exhausted before the end. Yet, we can make it through. The God we depend on is strong and capable. He trains us; He supports us; He carries us when needed. He makes us sure-footed. He keeps us from slipping. With Him, we can  crush any obstacle and overcome every difficulty.

Lord, you have carried me thus far through the messy obstacles of life. Help me to hang on and trust You no matter how difficult it gets.

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