

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Purpose

“Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent.” (Acts 18:9 NLT)

When I was a kid, I used to ride the school bus. When the driver needed to figure out if someone was on the bus, he would call out the kid’s name. The bus was always noisy, and nobody paid attention to the driver. Since I usually sat up front, I could hear the driver better than those in the back. I also had a booming voice. So I often found myself repeating loudly whatever the driver said. It was the only time that being loud actually came in handy. As I grew up, I realized it was not ‘proper’ for a young lady to have a strong voice. I tried really hard to be soft-spoken and ladylike, but I always ended up back at my default setting. I wondered why God had made me defective.

Now I know I was mistaken. God made me with a purpose in mind. He delights in me. I am loved and cherished. His Spirit whispers into my heart. He helps me understand. His revelations and insights light up my darkness. What God whispers, I must repeat out loud. What God reveals in the deepest recesses of my heart, I must speak up for all to hear. Everyone is distracted, including me. I must learn to vigilantly focus. Every  gift I have must be used to get people to pay attention.  To know God and make Him known. This is my purpose.

Lord, thank you for all that you reveal to me. Help me to be fearless. Help me to speak up.


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