

Friday, July 8, 2016

One Currency

Continued from last post...

Recently, the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. For years now, the UK has been using two different currencies: the pound sterling and the euro. Now that Britain has exited the eurozone, the UK will no longer trade in euros. The ramifications are enormous.

I must confess that I have been trying to use two different currencies--living on both the values of God’s Kingdom and those of the world.  I’m reluctant to commit completely to either. I feel squeamish about leaving old habits and going against community standards. Yet, I also feel the pull to leave my comfort zone and follow Christ into God’s Kingdom. Am I willing to relinquish the worldly currency that I have been stocking up on for all these years? Can I handle the rejection of my peers? Am I prepared for the uncertainty that lies ahead?

Lord, I am far from home, and I need your help. Grant me the courage and strength to leave the familiar, to accept worldly loss, and strive toward eternal gain.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus want people to have faith in him. Many would not believe His powers until they physically witnessed them as opposed to just believing that he could heal, walk on water, die for our sins. Faith is a hard thing to give considering how many times we have had faith in other things besides God and we have been let down. God doesn't let us down. We do when we fail to have faith that all things are possible with God.
