

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Voice Recognition

If you really knew God, you would listen, receive, and respond with faith to his words.” (John 8:47 TPT)

A wide range of devices now use computerized voice recognition technology. Amazon’s current voice assistant technology is named Alexa. Alexa devices enable users to dictate commands to power smart devices throughout the home. It can even be trained to tell your voice apart from that of others. By personalizing voice recognition, each member of a household can request their own music, schedules, lists, etc. Training artificial intelligence to recognize one voice over another requires a few steps. First, you have to mute other nearby voices. Then, you have to go to a quiet place and get close to the device. Finally, you have to say ‘Alexa, learn my voice,’ and then just follow the directions. Alexa asks you to repeat several phrases and ask questions. As with any form of communication, it takes a certain amount of time and repetition for the device to develop familiarity and work properly. 

Recognizing God’s voice also requires time, repetition, and familiarity. Find a quiet place and mute all other voices--internal and external. Listen expectantly. Develop sensitive ears. Get acquainted with the still, small voice of the Spirit. Repeat, record, and review everything that comes to you. Ask questions. Follow directions. For it is how we respond to our circumstances that reveals our trust in God. 

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