

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Influenced by Deception

“We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.” (Ephesians 4:14 NLT)

Cruise ships dock in ports where the cruise lines own and operate most of the restaurants, bars, and souvenir stores. This way, they continue to make a profit on the passengers at each stop. By creating these artificial environments, the corporations also camouflage the poverty, inequality, and exploitation of the natives. Tourists who want to experience new countries and cultures know better than to fall for these gimmicks. Yet, there are plenty of others who are influenced by these deceptive practices. Does any traveler think they are broadening their perspectives and not just their waistlines on such trips? Or is it that they are complicit in the charade?

Deception is not limited to a single industry. Misleaders are all around us constantly peddling what we want to hear. Are the lies so clever that they sound true? Or are people willing to go along with the pretense because it allows them to indulge without guilt? Perhaps reality is too harsh and delusions are less troubling. 

When faced with deceptive offers that appeal to your ego, it may be hard to resist. You may want to believe the lies or just not analyze things too much. We all desire to feel important, be comfortable, and enjoy ourselves.  However, without truth, life becomes a farce. When we go along with liars, we become participants in the sham, emboldening manipulators, endorsing hypocrites.

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