

Friday, February 28, 2020

A Contemplative Poem for Instruction

“Send your light and your truth to guide me, to lead me to your holy mountain, to your home.” (Psalm 43:3 ERV)

The entire Book of Psalms, with its lyrical style, invites recitation and reflection. Some of the psalms have descriptions in their titles. Psalm 43 starts with the following notation in its title: ‘A contemplative poem for instruction.’ This statement of purpose immediately calls the reader to pay attention. Like a fine wine, these verses are meant to be rolled around in your mouth. Smell, sip, taste, breathe. Slow down. Appreciate the texture of each word. Savor the subtle notes of each phrase. Notice how you feel. Is there one word or phrase that stands out to you? Repeat it to yourself until you get the fullness of its meaning. Visualize the imagery. Paraphrase the words so they are digestible. Train your spiritual palette to recognize and enjoy every nuance of these verses. 

Lord, pour Your light and truth into me. Train me to appreciate the bright flavors, the subtle notes, the wisdom, and the insights. Reveal your truth to me in ways I can understand. Gently lead me along the right path that leads to Your holiness. 

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