

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Moving Forward

“So don’t be impatient for the Lord to act; keep moving forward steadily in his ways, and he will exalt you at the right time.” (Psalm 37:34 TPT)

Running is hard. It takes a while for the body to adapt to all the demands of this sport. Novice runners often get discouraged and quit. They look at the experienced runners who seem to cover the miles quickly and with relative ease. This can be more intimidating than inspiring. The truth is that most runners started off walking, then jogging, then running. They struggle through injuries, sickness, bad weather, and time pressures like everyone else. Yet, they press on, putting one step in front of the other. 

Life is complicated. Everyone struggles at different times with different issues. Some cope in private, while others reveal their pain. The urge to give in to discouragement is common. How do some manage to keep going even in the midst of trials, while others are sidelined? They patiently wait for the Lord to act. They are not expecting life to get easier, but they hope to develop the strength to advance steadily in God’s ways. Even though they can’t see the finish, they take the next step in the right direction. They focus on the progress, not on hindrances or failures. They trust God’s timing. They press on despite resistance. They move forward in faith, one step at a time.

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