

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Intentional Living

“So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 TPT)

When I am cleaning my house, I tend to zone out by listening to music or podcasts. Vacuuming consumes a lot of time and energy, so I tend to do it hastily. I push the vacuum cleaner over every surface, moving from room to room, emptying the clear canister as it fills with dust and dog hair. I neglect to clean the less visible parts of the vacuum cleaner--the filters and the rolling brush. I know from experience that the vacuum works more efficiently if all the parts are free of debris. Yet, I am reluctant to take the extra time. Instead, I waste my energy pushing a vacuum cleaner that is working at less than full capacity. 

We hustle through our day, getting things done, checking off lists, and feeling accomplished. Outwardly, we look productive and successful. Inwardly, we are conscious that all is not well. There are parts of our soul that need attention. Entangled in worldly debris, we move through life with our spirits obstructed.  Ineffective busyness is as wasteful as hedonic dissipation.

Intentional living requires us to pause frequently, listen carefully, and make conscious adjustments. Both the interior and exterior, the visible and invisible are inspected closely and frequently. Every aspect of our day is considered deliberately, every habit evaluated thoughtfully. Spiritual attentiveness is key, for it is essential for understanding and true wisdom. Thus, let us live intentionally and honorably, utilizing our time, energy, and attention for God’s purposes.

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