

Monday, November 16, 2020

Invest in Good Soil

“But some people hear the message and let it take root deeply in receptive hearts made fertile by honesty and goodness. With patient dependability, they bear good fruit.” (Luke 8:15 VOICE)

When buying most real estate, investors consider location, school districts, resale value, etc. None of these things are relevant when you are buying farm ground. The primary concern for farmers is the quality of soil. In Iowa, where corn is the most common crop, each parcel of land is given a ‘corn suitability rating’ (CSR). This is calculated based on yields from previous years. Smart investors know to check the quality of the soil before purchasing a tract of farm ground. 

I am finally at a stage in life where I can invest in other people. Now, if I were a business owner who was hiring employees, I would look for past work experience, education, communication skills, etc. However, these standards have no significance in my current selection process. The quality of the soul is the only thing that matters.  Like a smart farmer, I am looking for good ground.  I am looking for people who are receptive, honest, and compassionate at the core of their being. I am not looking to gain anything from them, but to pour myself into their growth. My hope is that someday they will bear good fruit, sow seeds, and feed multitudes.

Lord, enable me to recognize good ground and invest generously, without expectations of personal gain or admiration. I pray that the cycle continues with each generation pouring themselves into spreading goodness and love. 


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