

Friday, November 6, 2020

Spiritual Anointing

“Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie.” (1 John 2:26-27 MSG)

A few years ago, my home internet stopped working for a week. I could use my data plan through my phone to do some work online, but it was limited. We live in a rural area, so there are no public wifi spots where I could go to use my laptop. My neighbor told me I was welcome to use her wifi, and she gave me her password. For a week, I would go over to her home and use my laptop for an hour to do any work that was data intensive. First thing I noticed was how much faster her internet was compared to mine. And, unlike public Wi-Fi, this was a secure network. I didn’t have to worry about hackers getting access to my information or about malicious programs slipping into my devices. I also had unlimited access with no restrictions or bandwidth congestion. As an added plus, all my devices still remember her password years later. I notice that my phone automatically connects to her network whenever I am visiting her home. 

The anointing of the Holy Spirit allows us to have access to God’s sphere of influence. Christ’s anointing confers His sanctifying presence unto those who are receptive. He pours His Spirit over you, setting you apart for His purposes. As long as you are in Christ’s presence, you remain connected. When your mind starts drifting out of range, when you get distracted by worldly agendas instead of God’s purposes, you fall back into limitations. When your mind is permeated by the Divine, it is secure from contaminating delusions. You are taught the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and God. You no longer have to operate under human influence or limitations. You have unhindered access to supernatural power, insights, and wisdom. 

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