

Monday, November 9, 2020

Turn from Indifference

“But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” (Revelation 3:16 NLT)

Have you ever ordered a ‘hot and spicy’ dish at a restaurant and ended up with something lukewarm and bland? It’s disappointing! Why would they call it one thing and serve something completely different? Why would the restaurant make false claims? Do most customers who order spicy food prefer bland food instead? 

A tepid attitude is similarly unappealing. People who are apathetic rarely admit to it. They make false claims of being loving, caring, passionate, empathetic, and humane. However, their actions reveal that they are uncaring and oblivious to anything that does not directly affect them. Indifference to injustice can be marketed as neutrality, individualism, and noninterference--making it seem innocuous. But it is harmful. Callousness dulls our senses, hardening our hearts. It makes us insensitive to the Spirit of God.

“Be diligent and turn from your indifference.” (Revelation 3:19 NLT)

We believe in a Christ who was willing to sacrifice himself for humanity. As followers of Christ, we are taught to love God and others--regardless of their ethnicity, socioeconomic class, religious beliefs, political affiliation, or nationality. When we make false claims about our attitudes, speaking words of fairness and grace while practicing apathy, we misrepresent ourselves and Christ. God wants us to care passionately, be sensitive to His guidance, and be diligent in pursuing His purpose.  There is no place for indifference.

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