

Friday, June 12, 2015

Trusting in Ideals

“And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115:8 NLT)

Idols are shaped by human hands. They give us something to focus on temporarily. In the long run, they prove to be ineffectual and impotent. Trusting in anything man-made eventually leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Many of our ideals are shaped by human minds. Each generation teaches the next to seek prosperity, success, personal control, comfort, gratification, amusement, admiration, and pleasure. These ideals become our idols. We put these gold standards up on pedestals and glorify them. Anyone who refuses to bow down to these commonly held values is considered lazy, unambitious, and unacceptable.

When we look to human ideals to satisfy us, to make our life meaningful, we  set ourselves up for disappointment. Values such as truth, character, justice, kindness, honesty, and love seem like pragmatic substitutes until we realize that these, too, have become diluted by human ideas.  So then, what can we rely on?

“Trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield.” (Psalm 115:9 NLT)

Focus on God, the source of all goodness. Put your complete confidence in Him.

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