

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Proportionate Grace

“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.” (Ephesians 4:7 NIV)

Is grace unequal yet proportionate? If so, proportionate to what?

Imagine that one of the current presidential candidates has several children who each has unique gifts. They are all assigned different roles based on their talents: campaign manager, spokesperson, treasurer, business manager, fundraiser, political strategist, etc. Their responsibilities are proportional to their capacities; yet, the ultimate purpose is the same--to get their dad elected. If any of them gets sidetracked by his/her own aspirations, it severely hurts the campaign.

Similarly, we are each given different gifts. Most of us in the first world have disproportionate amounts of wealth, opportunities, and resources. We spend less time searching for food, water, and essential medicines. We don’t have to be on constant watch against bombs and marauding warlords.

Why?  What are we to do with this surplus grace, this unmerited favor? Is there a purpose beyond our own gratification and amusement?

Those of us who have more than our share of gifts must decide what we are going to do with them. We can choose to distract ourselves with amusements, pursue our own aspirations, or just get bogged down in our own preoccupations. OR, we can decide to focus on the campaign--to draw  ourselves and others closer to God and His purposes.

“Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!” (Luke 12:48 MSG)

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