

Friday, August 21, 2015

Trading in Your Self

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (Matthew 16:24 NIV)

Is there a person, cause, or passion for which you would be willing to trade in your selfhood?

Falling in love is the closest an individual comes to surrendering his identity. Yet,  a person often retains a portion of his dreams and tries to influence his beloved to adapt this vision. Some of us believe in a cause and are willing to give up everything we have for our convictions.  We become activists, ministers, soldiers, and political revolutionaries who voluntarily relinquish our selfhood to be part of something we consider important.

The concept of self-surrender is a popular topic for sermons and songs. We have vague ideas of what is expected--surrender our time and money to the church, give up bad habits, follow rules, etc. It would have been convenient for religious organizations if this were what Christ required of us for discipleship. However, it is not.

Self-abnegation--the denial of one’s own interests in the favor of God’s interests--is what is called for. Christ showed us by example how to lay down everything--reputation, comfort, pride, family, friends, life--for God’s higher purpose. May we all develop the grace to deny ourselves, pick up the cross, and follow Christ.

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