

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Following Directions

“God’s angel showed up again in Joseph’s dream and commanded, ‘Get up. Take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt.’” (Matthew 2:13 NLT)

If I had a dream in which an angel appeared and told me I needed to move to a different country with my newborn child, I would talk myself out of it. I would decide that it could not be from God because it was reckless and impulsive. My common sense would prevail.

How does one know when a conviction is from God?

I have sensed nudges that I think are from God, but I’m never sure. I have read a lot about this subject. I have talked to others about their experiences. Here are a few hints that I have picked up:
The conviction has a certain heft to it. It feels significant. You sense the need for prayer--to ask God for strength and direction. You become aware of God’s presence. You feel compelled to follow. The pressure stays with you for a long while. You receive external confirmation--a line of scripture, a song that comes to mind, a word from a friend or stranger.

If we choose to ignore divine nudges frequently, our ability to sense them will eventually disappear. The more we follow, the more attuned we become to God’s revelations and directions. However, even when we obey, the outcome is not always favorable. Sometimes, we don’t get to see the positive effects of our actions. Be satisfied with knowing that you have followed directions, and let God take care of the rest according to His will.

Lord, help me to understand Your will and follow Your directions.

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