

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Invisible Growth

“What counts is your life. Is it green and blossoming?” (Matthew 3:10 MSG)

Life is cyclical. During some seasons, it puts out new green shoots, blooms, and fruits. Other times it remains in a state of  dormancy. Are you growing? Or have you been in a phase of stagnancy?

If a plant remains unproductive for a long time, we assume it is dead. Similarly, prolonged periods of inactivity and shiftlessness in our lives can be a cause for concern. Lack of growth is usually associated with idleness and uselessness. It is difficult to distinguish between dormancy and decay.

Growth can be exciting to observe--whether it is in a plant or a human being. However, not all growth is visible. Even when a plant seems to be in dormancy, its roots may be growing.  Even when we are going through phases of unproductivity and inactivity, our roots can grow down deep into God’s love. When we use these intervals of dormancy to wait and trust in God, we keep getting stronger and more grounded.

“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.” (Ephesians 3:17 NLT)

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