

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dead Worms

“Evil people self-destruct; those who hate the godly are punished. The Lord rescues his servants; all who take shelter in him escape punishment.” (Psalm 34:21-22 NET)

As I let my dog out this morning, I noticed my back porch was covered in dead earthworms. This is a common occurrence in the spring after a heavy rain. Earthworms thrive in moist soil since they breathe through their skin. When it rains, the wet conditions allow them to migrate overland. As long as the air around them is damp, they can survive, but if they are stuck on concrete when the air dries out, they shrivel up and die.

The dead worms reminded me of myself. I need to be saturated by God’s presence to thrive. When I’m burrowed in Scripture and prayer, when my thoughts are focused on God’s purpose, when I am operating under the influence of the Spirit--I do well. However, I don’t always stay under God’s protective covering. When conditions seem favorable, I creep to the surface where I can move about according to my own will. At first, all seems fine--I’m surrounded by other worms, and we are all squirming around without restrictions. Yet, it’s only a matter of time before we all self-destruct.

Lord, may we constantly seek you. Do not let us stray away from Your presence. Saturate us in Your Spirit. For we live and move and have our being in You.

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