

Monday, April 24, 2017

Reaching Across Barriers

“This is God's Message: Attend to matters of justice. Set things right between people. Rescue victims from their exploiters. Don't take advantage of the homeless, the orphans, the widows.” (Jeremiah 22:3 MSG)

For the past several decades, I have been trying to reach out across cultural barriers. I have learned much from these relational explorations. Yet, there have also been unexpected consequences. It has alienated me from my own group, many of whom label me as disloyal. Unfamiliar groups regard me with suspicion. I often feel stranded with no sense of belonging.

Pioneers on any front have to expect a certain amount of disorientation and ostracism. Those who step away from their native group and immigrate to a wider culture are bound to feel like aliens. Do not be discouraged. Jesus faced much worse; He was rejected, humiliated, and crucified. Yet, He continued to follow the Father’s will.  

What are we to do in a world full of injustice, oppression, and profiteering? God’s message hasn’t changed since the time of the prophet Jeremiah: Recognize inherent prejudices and move past cultural barriers. Venture past your native circles so that you may have a wider vantage point. Attend to matters of social justice, set things right between people, and reach out to victims of exploitation and persecution.

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